Maine Nightjar Monitoring Project

The Maine Nightjar Monitoring Project was launched in response to reports of widespread declines in Eastern Whip-poor-wills and Common Nighthawks throughout their eastern breeding ranges. Suspected declines in Maine evidenced by extensive anecdotal observations led to both the Eastern Whip-poor-will and Common Nighthawk being listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in 2016.
This citizen science project was launched in 2017 to begin collecting baseline data using monitoring routes throughout southern and Downeast Maine. In 2018, the project partnered with the Maine Bird Atlas (a project of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife) and gained additional volunteers who conducted surveys across the state.
We greatly appreciate participation and support of any kind. Monitoring crepuscular and nocturnal birds is a fun and exciting challenge. We hope you will take part in the adventure as a citizen scientist!
Want to adopt a route or start making incidental reports? Visit the Volunteer page and sign up to take part!