Chuck-will’s-widow are not known to breed
 in New England, though they have been very rarely reported in Maine
 during the breeding season. These large, cryptic nightjars have similar 
habits to the Eastern Whip-poor-will (it also has an onomatopoeic song
 sung on moonlit nights) and thus can be found under similar conditions. These birds are also known to call at dusk and generally inhabit 
more open habitat than the Eastern Whip-poor-will. They are more 
tolerant of development and are associated with agricultural and even suburban areas so long as subtle roosting and nesting habitat (oak, pine, and mixed forest) is sufficient. Eggs are laid on the ground typically under dense cover. Chuck-will’s-widows are aggressive during the nesting phase and will pursue nest site predators or gape its large mouth while hissing.
Image courtesy of Mary Alice Tartler.
Audio courtesy of Eric DeFonso.